Making A Difference Publications

Church Ministry Training Manual


8.5 x 11 coil bound manual

This is a manual that will serve as a training resource for the entire ministry.  Subjects covered include:  Sundays School Ministry, Pre-School Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Soul Winning and Visitation Ministry, Personal Altar Workers, Youth Ministry, Usher and Greeters, Deaf Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, and the Nursing Home Ministry.

Additional information and forms are included in this manual.  There are also Power Point Slides that can be ordered with this manual as well.

Every Home/Every Heart Out-Reach Manual


8.5 x 11 coil bound manual

We have an obligation to share with those in our communities the good news of the Gospel.  This manual is materials that we have used in our Out Reach Conferences.  Some of the materials include:  The Mandate, The Motive, The Message, The Manner, The Means, and The Measure of Out Reach.  There are additional resources as well that you will find very helpful.

Developing and Maintaining the Local Church Sunday School


8.5 x 11 coil bound manual

Teaching the Bible is unlike teaching other subjects because knowing the Bible is not an end in itself.  Knowing the Bible is not the goal; knowing God is the goal.  The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and of His will for man.

We must never fail to recognize the value of the Sunday School hour.  We are living in a world that is against God and God’s Work.  Nothing is needed more in this world than the clear, uninterrupted teaching of the Word of God.

This manual is material that we have used in our Sunday School and Bus Conference.  Some of the materials in this manual include: The Responsibility of the Sunday School Teacher, Making the Most of the Sunday School Hour, Enlisting and Training Teachers and Workers, Teaching the Bible, Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Parents, and many additional resources.

Developing and Maintaining the Local ChurchBus Ministry


8.5 x 11 coil bound manual

We have been commissioned by the Lord to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.  Part of that involves children.  Many children today would not have the opportunity to attend Sunday school and church without transportation being provided.  That is the purpose of the Church Bus Ministry.

This manual is material that we have used in our Sunday School and Bus Conference.  Some of the materials in this manual include: The Philosophy of the Bus Ministry, Essentials of the Bus Ministry, Things that Kill a Bus Route, How to Develop and Maintain a Bus Ministry, Developing a Bus Route, Recruiting Workers, Discipline Issues, Reaching Parents, and many other recourses and helpful forms.

The Path of Revival


5.5 x 8.5 coil bound book

There is no greater need today than that of revival.  Not a meeting but a moving that only God can get the credit for.  Revival isn’t the product of our hands, but rather the work of God in our hearts. 

 May we pray as did the prophet:  O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy Habakkuk 3:2

Pharaoh Philosophy


5.5 x 8.5 coil bound booklet

We are living in the age of compromise and being taught that taking a firm stand on Biblical principles is not politically correct and breeds hatred towards people.

That could not be further from the truth.  Just because one decides that he will follow God rather than man does not mean he does not love people.  As a matter of fact, if that individual loves the Lord as he or she should they will love individuals as they should.

Abomination Generation


5.5 x 8.5 coil bound booklet

If we fail in reaching this generation with the gospel, and acclimating them to Biblical standards, and teaching them the principle of separation to the Lord and from the world, their future is bleak.

May God give us wisdom to help this generation, and the courage to stand in the face of adversity, and the temptation for compromise.

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