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Recent Sermons

Rend Your Heart

Though the book of Joel was written to the nation of Israel, there are many things in this book for us as well. Israel at this time finds themselves under Divine judgment. We too in our land see the judgment of God all around us.  In this book, God’s people are made to understand that even in the midst Divine judgment there is always hope if they will seek the Lord.

Treasures In the Time of Darkness

There are many things that darkness does.  It at times frightens, at times its dark because of a storm or emotionally dark because of sickness or other situation not of our choosing.  But know there are treasures in darkness.  This message reminds us of those treasures and what we are to do when darkness surrounds us.

Noah Walked With God

In these days of uncertainty, we need to develop a scriptural perspective on hard times.  The principles and truths of God’s Word provides the foundation that we can anchor our lives in.  The message is the first in the series “Trusting God in Troubled Times.”

The Just Shall Live By His Faith

Faith is the key element in the Christian life, for without it it impossible to please God.  What does it mean to live by faith?  In Habakkuk Chapter 2 we catch a glimpse of what it really means to “live by faith.”

For Thou, Lord, Only Makest Me Dwell In Safety

Though David was running from terror, he prayed and trusted the Lord to provide and protect him.  Trusting God makes it so that we can lay down in peace and sleep.

It Is High Time To Awake Out of Sleep

These are interesting days that were are living in.  Many are frightened, others are frustrated, and some are furious.  These are not days that we should slumber or sleep.  It Is High Time To Awake Out of Sleep.

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