The times in which we live have brought many challenges to Christians, none more serious than the attack on the family. God established the home, and has made it the building block for teaching and evangelism. We consider it an opportunity and a privilege to encourage your family. The following are a few resources that may help to strengthen your family in the Word of God.

Bible Stories, Coloring Pages, Sing Along Songs, Memory Verses

Reading God’s Word is an encouragement to our faith.  When we read the great stories of the Bible, we see how God worked in the lives of others and how He can work in us as we yield our lives to Him.

Often we find ourselves in situations that brings questions to our hearts and minds.  These questions are best answered from God’s Word.  This is a list of scriptures that will help when you are tempted, weary, lonely, grieving, persecuted, doubting, afraid, in need, disappointed, or in need of direction.

Someone once said that you’ll be the same next year as you are this year with the exception of two things: 1) The people you meet; and 2) The books you read.  The greatest Book that anyone can read, and the Book that produces the greatest change is the Word of God.  These books are not to be a substitute to reading God’s Word, but can be an encouragement, educational, as well as enlightening.  We do not endorse any author or book that uses scripture apart from the Authorized King James Version and have made every effort to note those who do.

So often we have questions when it comes to raising our children.  The principles found in God’ Word provides the foundation for raising children that will honor the Lord with their lives.

What you are today is a product of yesterday’s decisions.  We often develop financial distress because we commit poor decisions.  With the uncertainty in today’s economy it is imperative that Christians follow the principles found in God’s Word regarding their finances.  Establishing future financial goals will help to limit poor financial decisions.  Establishing future financial goals will help to defuse a future financial crisis.  May God help us to be good stewards of His blessings, and provisions.

As Christians we are to be continually growing and maturing.   In an effort to help we have published several books, booklets and materials.  It is our desire that these materials will be a help to those who read them and that those who use them will teach others also the things the Lord teaches them.