
Select from the list of Series



I Know Not the Man

Faithful Stewarship

That ye may know

Family Fellowship (1 John)

Why We Need Revival

For It Is Time To Seek the Lord

The Case of the Giant’s That Challenge Us

Hope For the Hard Cases

Peace Be Still

In the Way of His Steps

An Example of Forgiveness

In the Way of His Steps

How Many Loaves Have Ye

In The Way of His Steps (2010)


Jonah - A Rebel and a Revival

Journey Toward Maturity

Journeys of Faith

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

Let Your Light So Shine

Love Your Enemies

Let Your Light So Shine

I Never Knew You

Let Your Light So Shine


Let Your Light So Shine (2011)

Ask … Seek … Knock

Let Your Light So Shine (2011)

The Wilderness of Sin

Life of Moses

Beginning of Miracles

Making Much of the Master (2015)

Wheat & Tares

Making Much of the Master (2015)

But Where Are the Nine

Making Much of the Master (2015)

Feignedly (Jeremiah 3)

Messages From the Major Prophets

Can These Bones Live (Ezekiel 37)

Messages From the Major Prophets

Slow to Wrath

Moving Toward Maturity (James)

Every Good and Every Perfect Gift Is From Above


O Lord Take Away My Life (1 Kings 19 1-4)

Overwhelmed - Life of Elijah

If the Foundations Be Destroyed

Pathway Through the Psalms

With My Song Will I Praise Him

Pathway Through the Psalms

O Deliver Me

Pathway Through the Psalms

Through God We Shall Do Valiantly

Pathway Through the Psalms

We Will Not Hide Them From Their Children

Pathway Through the Psalms

Lord Teach Us Out of Thy Law

Pathway Through the Psalms

Who Is Like Unto the Lord

Pathway Through the Psalms

Let My Heart Be Sound In Thy Statutes

Pathway Through the Psalms

Unto Thee Lift I Up Mine Eyes

Pathway Through the Psalms

Search Me

Pathway Through the Psalms

Men Ought Always to Pray


Lord Who Shall Abide In Thy Tabernacle

Prayers of the Psalmist

Whatsoever Ye Do In Word or Deed

Rooted and Built Up In Him (2012)

The Church in Pergamos

Seven Churches of Revelation

Sound Doctrine and A Sound Church

Sound Doctrine

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Stand Fast In the Lord (2019)

Lessons From the School of Grace

Stand Fast In the Lord (2019)

I Shall Come Forth as Gold

Stand Fast In the Lord (2019)

Because They Feared God

Stand Fast In the Lord (2019)

For It Was Founded Upon a Rock

Standing on the Promises of God (2017)

The Spoil With the Proud

Standing on the Promises of God (2017)

It Shall Bruise Thy Head

Standing on the Promises of God (2017)

It Is Not Good That the Man Should Be Alone

Striving Together (2014)

02 - Striving Together For the Faith As A Family

Call Unto Me

Striving Together (2014)

03 - Striving Together For the Faith In Prayer

According to His Will

Teach Us To Pray

The Servants of Satan

The Adversary

Characteristics of the Empowered Church

The Church Alive (Acts)

Persecution, Prayer, and Power

The Church Alive (Acts)

The Profit of Persecution

The Early Church

A Certain Man Named Cornelius

The Early Church

The Gospel

The Just Shall Live By Faith (Romans)

Our Duty As Christians

The Just Shall Live By Faith (Romans)

But Where Are the Nine

The Questions of Christ

For We Are His Workmanship (pt 2)

The Wealth of Christ ... The Walk of the Christian (Ephesians)

The Shield of Faith

The Wealth of Christ ... The Walk of the Christian (Ephesians)

The Marks of a Maturing Christian

The Wealth of Christ the Wak of the Christian

Thou Shalt Preserve Them From This Generation Forever

Understanding of the Times - Issues Facing the Church

Bezaleel A Cunning Worker

Unlikely Heroes

He Declined Neither to the Right of Left

Unlikely Heroes

Broken Without Remedy

Walking in Wisdom

A Good Name

Walking in Wisdom

Two Things Have I Required of Thee

Walking in Wisdom

Broken Without Remedy

Walking In Wisdom - Principles for Proverbs (Proverbs)

A Good Name

Walking In Wisdom - Principles for Proverbs (Proverbs)

Two Things Have I Required of Thee

Walking In Wisdom - Principles for Proverbs (Proverbs)

Superficial of Supernatural

Words of Correction and Counsel

Cast Down But Not Destroyed

Words of Correction and Counsel

Commandment, Commission, Conclusion

A Biblical View of Missions

The Method of Missions (Come Over Into Macedonia)

A Biblical Viewpoint of Missions

A Heart For God When The Pressure is Mounting

A Heart For God

Abiding In His Provision

Abiding In Christ

Your Adversary the Devil

Add To Your Faith

A Lively Hope

Add To Your Faith (2013)

Giving All Diligence

Add To Your Faith (2013)

What Would Jesus Say To Us

Behold He Cometh (Revelation)

Another Mighty Angels

Behold He Cometh (Revelation)

All Things New (Part Two)

Behold He Cometh (Revelation)

If Any Man Thirst

Behold the Lamb of God

The Message of the Grave Cloths

Behold the Lamb of God

Where Are Thine Accusers

Behold The Lamb of God (John)

It shall bruise thy head

Behold The Lamb of God (John)

The Rapture


The Shepherds

Characters In the Christmas Story

The Enemy Within

Claiming Your Canaan

According To His Riches

Come Boldly

Follow Me

Commands of Christ


Designed To Be Like Him

Fearful Disciples of Christ

Disciples of Christ

Enemies of Discipleship Pt 3


By Faith Moses Forsook Egypt

Faith for the Journey

So Teach Us To Number Our Days

Faithful Stewardship

But Amnon Had a Friend

Faithful Stewarship

This hope

Family Fellowship (1 John)

The Lord Is Able To Give Thee Much More Than This

He Is Able

The Case of the Guilty Woman

Hope For the Hard Cases

The Man From the Tombs

In the Way of His Steps